Best Starbucks Coffee Beans for Cold Brew (with Recipe)


It's summertime! Let's make a delicious, refreshing coffee drink using the best Starbucks Coffee beans for cold brew!


With the variety of coffee beans on the market, it can be confusing about which Starbucks beans are best for cold brew.


But I can help!  Plus I share with you just how easy (and how much cheaper!) it is to make your own cold brew right at home.


Just weigh out your whole beans (or eyeball it!) for the amount of coffee you want for your cold brew.


Grind your beans.  You'll want a coarse grind, so if you're not grinding your own at home, ask your barista to grind for a French press.


Add your coarse ground coffee to a clean half-gallon mason jar.  You can also use a French press if you'd like!


Add cold filtered water to your mason jar.  Using cold water will give you a much smoother and less acidic cold brew taste.


Refrigerate your cold brew for 20-24 hours and strain your liquid gold from the coffee grounds. 


To find out more about the Best Starbucks Coffee Beans for Cold Brew and for the easy recipe, tap the link!